Initially constructed by David Walden, September 2013, updated quarterly
(If you see errors in the list, please let me
The following list is organized by volume and issue.
The goal of this list is to be a complete list in one place of the anecdotes published in the Anecdotes Department of the
Annals, along with links to the anecdotes' issues' web pages at computer.out/annals. This perhaps will be useful for historians of computing. The following list also notes department editors at the point when their tenure started.
(Anecdotes have also been told in the Annals as part of feature-length articles and in other departments, and those are
not included.)
Having the full list of anecdotes in the Anecdotes Department in one place also makes clear
the variety of topics covered in the Anecdotes Departent over the history of
the Annals. I hope this variety reminds journal readers and others that they too may have anecdotes to offer.
I also have provided a brief note on writing an anecdote.
A couple of department statistics are included near the end of this web page.
Calvin C. Gotlieb is founding department editor |
1‑1 |
FORTRAN Comes to Westinghouse-Bettis, 1957 |
Herb Bright |
1‑2 |
Some Memories of EDSAC I: 1950-1952 |
Sandy Douglas |
2‑2 |
Napier and Babbage |
Harry Nagler |
2‑3 |
How Not To Conserve Memory Space (or What Elegance Is Not) |
David W. Thompson |
2‑4 |
Recollections of the Early Days of Machine Tabulating |
Gary C. Kesler |
Henry S. Tropp takes over as department editor |
3‑1 |
Origin of the Word Byte |
Werner Buchholz |
3‑2 |
The Machine that Carried IBM into the Electronics Business |
Geoffrey D. Austrian |
3‑3 |
Stories from the HOPL Banquet |
C.L. Baker, Grace Hopper, and anonymous |
3‑4 |
An Impossible Program |
Christopher Strachey |
3‑4 |
Charles Babbage and Lady Lovelace |
Velma R. Huskey and Harry D. Huskey |
4‑1 |
The Adventures of a Blunder |
R.A. Brooker, S. Gill, and D.J. Wheeler |
4‑1 |
Reminiscences of Los Alamos |
Eric A. Weiss |
4‑1 |
Los Alamos from Below |
Richard P. Feynman |
4‑1 |
Tales of Los Alamos |
Bernice Brode |
4‑3 |
Notes from the Mathematical Centre |
W.L. van der Poel and Maurice V. Wilkes |
4‑3 |
First SHARE 709 Committee Meeting |
C.L. Baker |
4‑4 |
Alexander Craig Aitkin |
Garry J. Tee |
4‑4 |
Leslie John Comrie |
Henry S. Tropp |
4‑4 |
MAD Compiler |
Bernard A. Galler |
5‑1 |
Algorithmic Perfection |
Heinz Zemanek |
5‑4 |
L.J. Comrie |
Henry S. Tropp |
6‑1 |
FORTRAN Anecdotes |
Henry S. Tropp |
6‑2 |
Origin of the Word Bit |
Robert Price and Henry S. Tropp |
6‑2 |
The Soviets and the ENIAC |
John Grist Brainerd |
6‑3 |
The End of the ABC |
Robert M. Stewart |
6‑4 |
Whence the “Bug”? |
Henry S. Tropp |
7‑1 |
Who Was the Mysterious Countess? |
Velma R. Huskey |
7‑2 |
Jonathan Swift's Computing Invention |
Eric A. Weiss |
7‑3 |
I/O in the IBM 709 Computer |
Bernard A. Galler |
7‑3 |
A 1940 Word Processor |
P.M. Murphy |
7‑4 |
Islamic Calendar |
Hans-Joachim Albinus |
7‑4 |
Howard Aiken |
Isaac L. Auerbach |
8‑2 |
Computing Capacity |
Walter Carlson |
8‑4 |
Britain's Real-Time Club |
Nancy Foy |
8‑4 |
Recollections about IFIP People |
Leon Lukaszewicz |
9‑2 |
Babbage's Expectations for the Difference Engine |
Maurice V. Wilkes |
9‑2 |
James Wilkinson (1919-1986) |
various |
The third issue of 1987 was listed as issue 3/4 |
9‑3 |
Introduction (to the following five notes relating to MADDIDA) |
Henry S. Tropp |
9‑3 |
Michael R. Williams |
9‑3 |
Personal Recollections |
Isaac Auerbach |
9‑3 |
1982 Claude E. Shannon Lecture: Application Transforms to Coding and Related Topics |
Irving S. Reed |
9‑3 |
The von Neumann Letter |
John von Neumann |
9‑3 |
Interview with Irving S. Reed |
Bobbi Mapstone |
James E. Tomayko takes over as department editor |
10‑1 |
Introduction (to the following) |
Bruce H. Bruemmer |
10‑1 |
General Electric Enters the Computer Business |
George Snively |
10‑2 |
Alan Turing in the Home Guard |
Peter Hilton |
10‑2 |
Overcoming Murphy's Law |
Richard Louis Weiss |
10‑2 |
Babbage and the Scheutz Machine at Dudley Observatory |
Alfred Van Sinderen |
10‑3 |
Fast Predictors: Computers and the U.S. Presidential Elections (Introduction) |
James Tomakyo |
10‑3 |
UNIVAC on Election Night |
A.F. Draper |
10‑3 |
IBM Computers and the Election of 1960 (excerpts from an IBM report) |
10‑4 |
Example anecdotes from the first 10 volumes |
Various |
11‑1 |
The Windmill Computer—An Eyewitness Report of the Scheutz Difference Engine |
Ralf Bülow |
11‑1 |
In Von Braun Country |
Herbert R.J. Grosch |
11‑1 |
Origins of Terms |
John D. Elson |
11‑2 |
Twenty Year Retrospective: The NATO Software Engineering Conferences |
Alan Perlis |
11‑2 |
Thoughts on Software Engineering |
Bernard A. Galler |
11‑2 |
My Thoughts on Software Engineering in the Late 1960s |
David Gries |
11‑2 |
The NATO Conferences from the Perspective of an Active Software Engineer |
Doug Ross |
11‑2 |
Remembrances of a Graduate Student |
Mary Shaw |
11‑3 |
A Critical incident |
Lawrence W. Langley |
11‑3 |
The first Port of UNIX |
Juris Reinfelds |
11‑4 |
The Case Against Automatic Programming |
John A. N. Lee |
12‑1 |
Early Computer User Groups (an introduction to the following previously unpublished document from 1960) |
Bruce H. Bruemmer |
12‑1 |
Computer User Groups, 1960 |
Herbert S. Bright |
12‑2 |
More on General Electric's Start in the Computer Business (an introduction to the following interview) |
James Tomayko |
12‑2 |
Dr. Robert Johnson Interview (a February 7 1961 interview) |
Interviewer's name lost |
12‑3 |
For the Record: Pioneering Days in British Computing |
A.S. Douglas |
12‑4 |
The Evolution of Software Design Ideas |
David J. Koepke |
13‑1 |
Frontiers of Computing: A Tribute to Edsger Dijkstra on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday |
J.A.N. Lee |
13‑1 |
The “Project that Failed” that Succeeded |
Robert L. Glass |
13‑3 |
The Tape Story Tapestry: Historical Research with Inaccessible Digital Information Technologies |
Shane Greenstein |
13‑4 |
What is This, And, and That? |
Roy R. Weil |
13‑4 |
The First Bug—Discussion |
John H. Palmer |
13‑4 |
Thomas J. Watson Sr. and the Perfect Computer |
Harry Polachek |
14‑1 |
The Computer—A Philatelic Collection |
Menachem Lador |
14‑2 |
LEO, the Pride of Lyons (reprinted from British Journal of Administrative Management, Dec. 1990) |
Peter Bird |
14‑3 |
UNIVAC Trounces Its Own Creator |
Harry Polachek |
14‑3 |
HAL 9000 (1992?-2001) |
Eric A. Weiss |
14‑3 |
Favorite Hack |
Richard L. Wexelblat |
15‑1 |
Memories of Alan Turing |
Robin W. Addie |
15‑2 |
Atanasoff at the Naval Ordnance Laboratory |
Calvin N. Mooers |
15‑3 |
A Very Early Expert System |
Herbert A. Simon |
15‑3 |
Unlocking Enigma's Secrets |
Vicki Moeser |
15‑4 |
Solidac: An Early Minicomputer for Teaching Purposes |
Paul A.V. Thomas |
16‑2 |
The Babbage River |
Keith Smillie |
16‑2 |
The Use of “Bug” in Computing |
I. Bernard Cohen |
16‑3 |
Electronic Computer for Home Operation (ECHO): The First Home Computer |
Jay Sutherland |
17‑1 |
The Role of Computers in Education (discussion of a 1955 letter by the founder of Babson College) |
Jerome Kanter |
17‑1 |
Babbage and Clements |
Paul Ceruzzi |
17‑2 |
System 360 Floating-Point Problems |
Robert Rosin and Len Harding |
17‑3 |
“Offense Calculator” |
Eric A. Weiss |
17‑3 |
Remembering J. Pres Eckert |
Henry S. Tropp |
18‑1 |
The Life and Times of the Digital Computers Association (DCA) |
Walt Carlson |
18‑3 |
Charles Babbage and the Anglo-American Copyright Dispute |
Brian Randell |
18‑3 |
The Undersung Hero of Computing: The IBM 1400 Series |
Rudolph E. Hirsch |
19‑1 |
UNIVAC I, Serial 1—in duPont |
Walter M. Carlson |
19‑1 |
Herman Hollerith's Historic Hilltop Home |
Eric A. Weiss |
19‑2 |
The Controversial Replica of Leonardo de Vinci's Adding Machine |
E. Kaplan |
19‑2 |
More on the UNIVAC I at Du Pont |
Walter M. Carlson |
19‑2 |
Memories of the SWAC |
David Rutland |
19‑4 |
A Tale of Assembly |
Neville Holmes |
19‑4 |
The Katapayadi formula and the modern hashing technique |
A.V. Raman |
20‑1 |
Memories of the NATO |
Software Engineering Conferences |
20‑1 |
Appendix: Masterpiece Engineering |
T.H. Simpson |
20‑2 |
Experiences With Computer Graphics in the United Kingdom in the 1970s |
Brian Wyvill |
20‑2 |
The ENIAC Patent |
Charles E. McTiernan |
21‑1 |
Nineteenth-Century Observatories and Chorus of Computers |
David Alan Grier |
21‑1 |
A Computing Factory |
Michael R. Williams |
21‑2 |
Fortran |
Edward G. Nilges |
21‑4 |
Overcoming Pilot-Induced Oscillations in the Space Shuttle |
James E. Tomayko |
21‑4 |
Case 5,656: L.J. Comrie and the Origins of the Scientific Computing Service Ltd. |
Mary Croarken |
22‑1 |
Ida Rhodes and the dreams of a human computer |
David Alan Grier |
22‑2 |
The Origins of JSP and JSD: A Personal Recollection |
Michael Jackson |
22‑2 |
Frank S. Preston |
22‑2 |
Lovelace-Babbage Letters Discovered in Newcastle |
Christopher Goulding |
22‑4 |
Ada Augusta, Countess of Lovelace, 1815-1852: What was her family name? |
J.A.N. Lee |
22‑4 |
The Early Magnetic Drums |
Andrew D. Booth |
23‑1 |
Software design knowledge and Vincenti's categories of engineering knowledge |
Guy Tremblay |
23‑2 |
The First Breach of Computer Security? |
David Alan Grier |
23‑3 |
Origin of Virtual Machines and Other Virtualities |
Peter J. Denning |
Anne Fitzpatrick takes over as department editor |
24‑1 |
Founding Atlantic Software |
Walter Brown |
24‑1 |
The travails of Software Resources |
Robert V. Head |
24‑1 |
Founding the ICP Directories |
Lawrence Welke |
24‑2 |
A well-intentioned query and the Halloween Problem |
Philip L. Frana |
24‑2 |
A software lineage |
Laurie Robertson |
24‑2 |
The MESM and the monastery |
Anne Fitzpatrick and Boris N. Malinovsky |
24‑3 |
Remembering the LFK Network |
Nils J. Liaaen and David C. Walden |
24‑4 |
Recollections of the beginning of the time-sharing industry |
Richard L. Crandall |
24‑4 |
CCITT meeting recommendations |
Robert Weissman |
24‑4 |
Remembering some computers and languages |
Keith Smillie |
25‑1 |
Reminiscences of superconductive associative memory research in the former Soviet Union |
Simon Berkovich |
25‑1 |
Vannevar Bush's network analyzer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Frank Preston |
25‑1 |
Computers and urban security |
Jennifer S. Light |
25‑1 |
Origin of the Term Minicomputer (only at |
Rolf Sinclair |
25‑2 |
Developing TELNET's Negotiated Options |
Bernard Cosell and David Walden |
25‑3 |
On the origins of :-) |
David Alan Grier |
25‑4 |
How did you first get into computing? (asked of 8 well known women) |
Janet Abbate |
25‑4 |
A 1965 era spreadsheet |
Frank S. Preston |
26‑1 |
The birth of an era |
Joe E. Rogers |
26‑1 |
Calvin Mooers—How he came to be known as the “click” man |
Bob Bemer |
Laurie Robertson takes over as department editor |
26‑2 |
Arlington Hall Station: The US Army's World War II Cryptoanalytic Center |
Laurie Robertson |
26‑3 |
Relocation Bits |
Bernard A. Galler |
26‑4 |
Origin of the Virtual Memory Concept |
Eike Jeseen |
26‑4 |
Translating Computer and Calculator in common European languages |
Mario Aloisio |
27‑1 |
Early Data Reduction on the IBM Card Programmed Calculator |
Robert L. Patrick |
27‑1 |
On the word Software |
Herbert Kanner |
27‑2 |
Micro to Mainframe |
Stanley Mazor |
27‑3 |
Googling History |
Laurie Robertson |
27‑4 |
Reflections on the Difference Engine |
Andrew D. Booth |
27‑4 |
The Founders of the ACM |
Eric A. Weiss |
28‑1 |
Getting Started in Consulting |
Robert Patrick |
28‑2 |
My Father and the Second Generation of Computer Pioneers |
Phillip A. Laplante Jr. |
28‑2 |
8 Bits of Irony |
Stanley Mazor |
28‑3 |
Hardware Design in the Founding of Computer Science at CMU |
Jesse T. Quatse |
28‑4 |
Taking Newspapers from Hot Lead into Electronic Age |
Mike Marcus and George Trimble |
29‑1 |
Computer Recollections: Events, Humor, and Happenings |
Walter F. Bauer |
29‑2 |
Intel 8080 CPU Chip Development |
Stanley Mazor |
Anne Fitzpatrick returns as department editor |
29‑3 |
Design of an Early Minicomputer |
Herbert Freeman |
29‑4 |
ENIAC as a Stored-Program Computer: A New Look at the Old Records |
Crispin Rope |
30‑1 |
Fairchild Symbol Computer |
Stanley Mazor |
30‑2 |
The Engineer's Tale: The Founding of the Software Publishing Corporation |
John Page |
David Walden takes over as department editor |
30‑3 |
The Genesis of the Tenet 210: An Early Time-Sharing System |
Chuck Runge |
30‑4 |
The Origin of the Winter Simulation Conferences |
Julian Reitman |
31‑1 |
The Birth of Link-State Routing |
John McQuillan |
31‑2 |
Prototype Fragments from Babbage's First Difference Engine |
Denis Roegel |
31‑3 |
Magnovox and Intel: An Odyssey |
Stanley Mazor and Peter Salmon |
31‑3 |
The Early Days of the ARPANET |
Peter Kirstein |
31‑4 |
The Humble Beginnings of TECO |
Dan Murphy |
32‑1 |
The Intel 8086 |
Stanley Mazor |
32‑2 |
Introduction |
David Walden |
32‑2 |
Some Notes on Computing in Canada in the 1950s |
Keith Smillie |
32‑2 |
Remembering the Digital Computer Association |
Robert L. Patrick |
32‑3 |
The Network Information Center and Its Archives |
Elizabeth Feinler |
32‑4 |
RAID: A Personal Recollection of How Storage Became a System |
Randy Katz |
33‑1 |
INWG and the Conception of the Internet—an eyewitness account |
Alex McKenzie |
33‑2 |
The book Computer Structures: 40 years after-thoughts |
Gordon Bell and Dan Siewiorek |
33‑3 |
Host Tables, Top Level Domain Names, and the Origin of Dot Com |
Elizabeth Feinler |
33‑4 |
Editor's Note (on classic books in computing history) |
David Walden |
33‑4 |
Computer and Thought, the back story |
Julian Feldman |
33‑4 |
Online shopping in the 1980s |
Michael Aldrich |
34‑1 |
CTSS email and text messaging, 1965-1973 |
Tom Van Vleck |
Craig Partridge takes over as department editor |
34‑2 |
The LOCOMAT Project: Recomputing Mathematical and Astronomical Tables |
Denis Roegel |
34‑3 |
An Early Statistical Calculation |
Keith Smillie |
34‑4 |
Early History of SQL |
Donald D. Chamberlin |
35‑2 |
Hershel Harris and Bert Nicol |
35‑2 |
The SQL Standard: How It Happened |
Donald R. Deutsch |
David Walden returns as department editor |
35‑3 |
Computer-Generated PhD Dissertations: An Early Experience |
Dennis Frailey |
35‑4 |
Burroughs Algol at Stanford University, 1960-1963 |
Robert Braden |
36‑1 |
War Stories of an IBM Salesman, 1974-1981 |
James Cortada |
36‑1 |
Times Have Changed |
Robert Patrick |
36‑2 |
Early Token Ring Work at MIT |
J. Noel Chiappa |
36‑3 |
What is a Computer? An Answer from the Past |
Tim Bergin |
36‑4 |
My Corner of the Time-Sharing Innovation World |
Bo Lewendal |
37‑1 |
TENEX and TOPS-20 |
Dan Murphy |
37‑2 |
Doing History in the Olden Days, 1970s–1990s |
James Cortada |
37‑3 |
Machines, Languages, and Computation at MIT |
Peter J. Denning and Jack B. Dennis |
37‑3 |
The Story of SimH |
Bob Supnik |
37‑4 |
A Mechanical Calculator for Arithmetic Sequences (1844–1852), Part 1 |
Denis Roegel |
38‑1 |
A Mechanical Calculator for Arithmetic Sequences (1844–1852), Part 2, Working Details |
Denis Roegel |
38‑2 |
Retrospective Computing and Consumer-Led Development |
Adam P. Spring |
38‑3 |
Notes on the History of Fork and Join |
Linus Nyman and Mikael Laakso |
38‑4 |
Before Torchi and Schwilgué, There Was White |
Denis Roegel |
39‑1 |
Early History of Computing in Switzerland: Discovery of Rare Devices, Unknown Documents, and Scarcely Known Facts |
Herbert Bruderer |
39‑2 |
In Search of the Original Fortran Compiler |
Paul McJones |
39‑3 |
Carries Stripped to the Bone: Episodes in the History of Coaxial Modular Digital Counters |
Denis Roegel |
39‑4 |
The LISP 2 Project |
Paul McJones |
40‑1 |
The First Public Discussion of the Secret Colossus Project |
Michael R. Williams |
40‑2 |
A Slice of Norway's Computing History |
Ingvar Lundh |
40‑3 |
How Atex Helped an Industry Change the World |
Douglas Drane |
40‑3 |
More about Atex |
Jonathan Seybold |
40‑4 |
Studying IBM’s History When You Are Part of It |
James Cortada |
40‑4 |
Publishing a Computer Graphics Book with Prototype Desktop Publishing Tools |
Robert F. Sproull |
41‑1 |
Flowcharting Templates |
Peggy Aldrich Kidwell |
41‑1 |
A Novel Program for Philosophers to Study Computer Science |
David Hemmendinger |
41‑2 |
Learning to Network |
Stephen Crocker |
41‑2 |
Origins of the Domain Name System |
Oscar M. Bonastre and Andreu Veà |
41‑3 |
Paul Brainerd, Aldus Corporation and the Desktop Publishing Revolution |
Suzanne Crocker |
41‑4 |
Reflecting Back on the Lighthill Affair |
Maarten van Emden |
41‑4 |
Software Recovery and Beyond: The MCM/70 Case |
Zbigniew Stachniak |
42‑1 |
Interleaf, Inc.—1981 to 2000 |
Mark Dionne and David Walden |
42‑2 |
Queens of Code (women at NSA) |
Eileen Buckholtz |
42‑2 |
Learning from Prototypes |
Zbigniew Stachniak |
42‑3 |
Preserving the History of the Software Industry |
Luanne Johnson |
42‑3 |
In Search of Software History |
Burton Grad |
42‑3 |
Finding Software Industry History |
Burton Grad |
42‑4 |
The Origin of the “MIT License” |
Jerome H. Saltzer |
43‑1 |
On the Origin of Kerberos |
Jerome H. Saltzer |
Alexander Magoun takes over as department editor |
43‑2 |
Preserving the Past by Industry Participants |
James W. Cortada |
43‑3 |
Linux and Supercomputing: How My Passion for Building COTS Systems Led to an HPC Revolution |
David A. Bader |
43‑4 |
Sterling Software: An $8 Billion Success Story in the 1980s and 1990s |
Burton Grad |
44‑1 |
The History of Franz and Lisp |
Fritz Kunze, Lauren Kunze |
44‑2 |
Working and Living at Bletchley Park |
Alexander B. Magoun |
44‑3 |
“Well Paid for a Woman”: Gloria Hardman's 50-Year Career in Computing |
Philip Nel |
44‑4 |
Challenges of Large-Scale Data Processing in the 1990s: The IPUMS Experience |
Diana L. Magnuson, Steven Ruggles |
45‑1 |
Building a Computer at the University of Padua, 1958-1961
Maristella Agosti, Alberto Cammozzo, Francesco Contin, Silvio Hénin |
Total anecdotes = 237 average of 5.4 per year
[see: a-work/ieeehc/annals/anecdotes/README.txt]